A recent post from the Mersey Port Health Authority has highlighted the importance of knowing the specific importing requirements when it comes to bringing consignments of polyamide and melamine plastic kitchenware originating from China and Hong Kong. The regulation for these imports is underpinned by Regulation No 284/2011, where it says that importers must submit for each consignment a declaration and a laboratory report confirming that it meets the requirements regarding the release of primary aromatic amines and formaldehyde.
Equally importers or their representatives must inform the competent authority at the first point of introduction at least two working days before of the estimated date and time of the physical arrival of the goods.
So, what checks can you expect to be carried out at the BCP?
Under the regulation mentioned above, officers at the Border Control Post will carry out documentary checks and an identify and physical check including sampling for laboratory analysis of 10% of the consignment.
How do you submit plastic declarations to the port?
Notifications for plastic kitchenware consignments should be made by producing and submitting a Plastic Declaration Document (PDD). This can be done by creating and submitting a PDD to us in PHILIS DES
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Email our expert customs team at chambercustoms@gmchamber.co.uk or call 0161 393 4314.
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