The Customs Declaration Service (CDS) is the new system that supports making import and export customs declarations. It will replace the current CHIEF (Customs Handling of Import & Export Freight) system.
From 30th September 2022, CDS will be the only system used for import declarations and from 31st March 2023, you will no longer be able to submit new export declarations using CHIEF.
What do you need to do?
1. Register on the Government Gateway
Most businesses will already have an account to access for tax purposes and this account can be used to access CDS. If you don’t have one you can register here.
2. Register for the Customs Declaration Service
HMRC has now automatically registered all EORIs on CDS.
3.Decide how you’re going to pay duty and VAT
Postponed VAT Accounting
If you’re currently using this method to pay for VAT you can continue to do so and register for statements from CDS here.
Deferment Account
If you have your own deferment account you will need to set up a new direct debit for CDS and will also need to authorise your agent to use this on your behalf via the online service.
Cash Account
This will replace the current Flexible Accounting System when paying for duties. The Cash Account is your own top up account allowing you to pay your import duty and/or VAT. You should automatically get this when registering for CDS and can access it here.
You will be able to make a payment in your cash account and authorise your agent to use your account (you can do this via your Government Gateway).
Other methods of payment
You can also pay by other methods which can be found here.
Do you still need help?
Our Chamber Customs Team our on hand to process export and import clearances and help you to get ready for CDS. You can get in touch with the team by emailing chambercustoms@gmchamber.co.uk or calling 0161 393 4314.
Alternatively, you can complete our short form and one of the team will be in touch.
We will also be offering training on the new CDS system, the next workshop will take place on 22nd June at 1.30pm and will be delivered virtually. Book your place here.