Hand-picked guidance and resources about trading with the EU in a post-Brexit era

Full text of the Trade & Cooperation Agreement between the EU and UK
Information about the latest Windsor Framework outlining changes to existing NI Protocol (updated in Mar 2023)


BTOM Webinars & Resources from UK Government Agencies

European Comission Guidance

Check guidance about exporting and importing from the Department of International Trade, including step by step processes

Guidance for exporters and importers on how goods traded between EU & UK can claim origin and therefore no pay any duty rates.

Living, working and travelling in the EU or UK post Brexit

Selling services to the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein guidance

Intellectual Property- Guidance from Intellectual Property Office (IPO)

Exchanging data with EU Businesses
Getting EU Funding & Procurement Policy

Guidance related to regulations for energy related products and emissions trading.